I have a general enquiry

Please complete this General Enquiries form.

I have some feedback

Please complete this Feedback form.

I would like to suggest an item to add to your collection

Please complete this Suggestion for Purchase form.


If you are an author who would like the library to consider purchasing your book, please email the District Collections Librarian at maia.bennett@qldc.govt.nz

I need to send the library some mail

Please post items to:


Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes Libraries

Private Bag 50072

Queenstown 9300 Otago

New Zealand

I would like to talk to a member of the Library leadership team

For specific enquiries for the Queenstown Lakes Libraries leadership team, please contact:


Library Services Manager – Queenstown Lakes Libraries

Sue Gwilliam – Sue.Gwilliam@qldc.govt.nz


District Collections Librarian – Queenstown Lakes Libraries

Maia Bennett - Maia.Bennett@qldc.govt.nz


District Children's Services Librarian – Queenstown Lakes Libraries

Shana Makuta – Shana.Makuta@qldc.govt.nz


District Digital Services Librarian – Queenstown Lakes Libraries

Vacant Position


Whakatipu Libraries Branch Manager (Arrowtown, Glenorchy, Queenstown)

Aoife McMahon – Aoife.Mcmahon@qldc.govt.nz


Upper Clutha Libraries Branch Manager (Hāwea, Makarora, Wānaka)

Julie Stretch – Julie.Stretch@qldc.govt.nz


Frankton & Kingston Libraries Branch Manager

Sinéad Keegan - Sinead.Keegan@qldc.govt.nz 


Community Engagement Librarian (Whakatipu)

Natasya Zambri – Natasya.Zambri@qldc.govt.nz


Community Engagement Librarian (Upper Clutha)

Paula Mitchell – Paula.Mitchell@qldc.govt.nz

I would like to visit a library

Please visit our Library Locations page to find your nearest library location.