The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to provide guidelines for patrons and library users on behaviour and use of library spaces, materials, and equipment and attending events and programmes at QLDC Libraries.

These guidelines serve to provide guidance for staff and patrons, when children are visiting the library; and to provide guidance for staff, patrons and participants where children are attending library events or programmes.

The purpose of the Library Strategy is to provide direction for how library services need to be delivered in the future.

Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes Libraries endorses and applies the LIANZA statement on Freedom of Information.

This policy outlines the conditions of use of the Library noticeboards.

The Queenstown Lakes Libraries Meeting Room policy provides details of eligibility of use, guidelines and general rules for use, facility resources and outlines the process for bookings and reservations.

The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines for donated Collection materials to Queenstown Lakes Libraries.

Our Privacy Statement sets out how we collect, use, store, and protect your personal information.

Our Website Terms of Use set out the terms & conditions relating to your use of this website.