It's free to participate and open to teens & adults (16yrs+) across Queenstown Lakes District Libraries.

Read below for all the entry details.

How it works

  • Pick up a challenge card from your local library branch or download here and print at home.
  • Return your completed challenge card to your local library branch to be entered into the prize draw.
    • 6 completed challenges = 1 x entry to win a $25 voucher.
    • 12 completed challenges = 1 x entry to win a $50 voucher.
    • Top reader across the district = most challenges completed wins a $50 voucher.

Challenge Terms and Conditions

  • The challenge begins on 1 June and ends on 31 August.
  • The challenge is open to adults & teens 16yrs +.
  • To be considered for the book voucher draws, you must read six or 12 books from individual categories; if you read two crime books, this will only count as one book.
  • "Books" means hard-copy books, eBooks, and eAudiobooks.
  • The $25 voucher will be awarded to one person in the Upper Clutha and two people in the Whakatipu basin.
  • The $50 voucher will be awarded to one person in the Upper Clutha and two people in the Whakatipu basin.
  • The additional prize for the most books read will be a district-wide prize.
  • Winners for each draw will be contacted in mid-September.
  • The challenge cards must be returned to your local library by Friday the 6th of September 2023.  
  • You can enter more than once by submitting individual challenge cards.