TumbleBookLibrary is a curated database of children’s e-book selection of animated, talking picture books in English, French and Spanish for preschool through to Year 6.

TumbleBookLibrary Premium has over 1,100 titles including unique animated, talking picture books, read-along chapter books, non fiction books and videos, curated playlists.

To get started on a phone or tablet

  • Download the app to your phone or tablet
  • Select the Library button
  • Select New Zealand in the Country and State drop downs
  • Select Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes District Libraries
  • Enter your library card number (starting with M or QL) and click Log In

To get started on a desktop or laptop

  • Click on this link and login using your library card number (starting with M or QL)

If you need help we suggest visiting the TumbleBooks help page.




LOTE4Kids allows kids to learn language and connect with books through the magic of storytelling.

The platform provides thousands of audio-picture books in over 65+ World Languages, together with English translations.


To get started on a phone or tablet

  • Download the app to your phone or tablet
  • Type in Queenstown and select Queenstown Lakes District Council
  • Enter your library card number (starting with M or QL) and click Sign In

To get started on a desktop or laptop

  • Click on this link and login using your library card

If you need help we suggest visiting the LOTE4Kids help page or you can watch this Niche Academy tutorial.




Era Books Online is a database providing children with over 1,500+ books, games and activities to improve their English reading, writing and comprehension skills. Libraries can elevate their phonics and literacy collections with curated content by trusted Australian educators and supported by early childhood research. 

Join Bunji, the curious platypus, and go on a learning journey today!

To get started on a phone or tablet

  • Download the app to your phone or tablet
  • Search for Queenstown Lakes Libraries
  • Enter your library card number (starting with M or QL) and click Sign In

To get started on a desktop or laptop

  • Click on this link and login using your library card

If you need help we suggest contacting Era Books for assistance.




Borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks to read on your computer, phone or tablet.

To get started on a phone or tablet

  • Download the app to your phone or tablet
  • Look for "Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes District Libraries"
  • Login using your library card number and pin/password

To get started on a desktop or laptop

  • Click on this link and login using your library card number and pin/password

If you need help we suggest visiting the BorrowBox help page or you can watch this Niche Academy tutorial.




Borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks to read on your computer, phone or tablet.

To get started on a phone or tablet

  • Download the app to your phone or tablet
  • Look for "Central Otago/Queenstown Lakes District Libraries"
  • Login using your library card number and pin/password

To get started on a desktop or laptop

  • Click on this link and login using your library card number and pin/password

If you need help we suggest visiting the Libby help page or you can watch this Niche Academy tutorial.





How many books can I borrow?

When borrowing physical items:

  • Permanent members can borrow up to 50 items
  • Temporary members can borrow up to four items

In addition to the above limits on physical items, you can borrow eItems as follows:

  • BorrowBox: six eBooks, six eAudiobooks, six eMagazines
  • Libby: five titles

I would like to suggest an item to add to your collection

Please complete this Suggestion for Purchase form.