To order a book bag from Frankton, Hāwea, Queenstown or Wānaka, complete the form below or feel free to phone or email your local branch

When you place your order, let us know which of the following two options you prefer:

Book bag option: Personal

  • A customised selection of items
  • We tailor the selection based on your order form

Book bag option: Surprise

  • A pre-selection of 10 age-appropriate items for preschoolers, children, teens, or adults

When you request a bag we’ll ask you a few questions, then we'll be in touch to arrange your delivery.


Who is this service for?

It's an option for patrons who are unable to come to the library, for reasons such as mobility, transport or health issues long or short-term. 

Which libraries offer this service?

This service is currently available at Frankton, Hāwea, Queenstown and Wānaka libraries.

What if I want to pick my bag up?

If you do not need your bag delivered, you can request a pre-made bag to pick up via our Click and Collect service.